Matt and Cherie Chan

 Outside of the Crossfit community, where they are rock stars,  Matt and Cherie Chan might not be household names but they are world class individuals who are an inspiration to the people who know them and it's my pleasure to present them to you here. I was as excited to meet them as I've been to meet anyone in a long time.  I had admired their candor, elegance of being and their pursuit of excellence from watching prior interviews with them and from watching them compete. These people embody what it is to be Life Athletes and it was a supreme pleasure to be able to sit down and have this chat with them. The topics range and I've done minimal editing so that you can get a sense of who these people are. 
 Matt Chan was crowned the second fittest man in the world after placing second in the 2012 crossfit games and his Wife Cherie has been a high level competitor also competing in the Crossfit Games. They have a number of videos on and have a blog detailing their current adventure: