Episode 65: Gabriela Andreevska - Volunteer Coordinator / Activist


Name: Gabriela Andreevska Hello and welcome to episode 65 of the Life Athletics Podcast. Today’s Guest Life Athlete is Gabriela Andreevska. Gabriela is a volunteer coordinator, assisting with refugees crossing through Macedonia. She is also an activist, fiercely opposed to old rules that dehumanize and justify the brutal treatment of those in need by those in power. I saw a video of her on Facebook and I decided to reach out. She graciously took time, found a cafe with wi-fi and spoke to me about her role in these current events.

Habit of Thought:

To stay optimistic, no matter what. Habit of Action:

Greet, welcome, hug, and maybe even kiss, the refugees.

Greatest area of strength: “People say that I’m a good listener.”

Training for this area:

“I would try to put them in these kinds of situations, crisis situations and try to develop empathy in them.”

Book: Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution - Peter Harry Kropotkin Web Resource:


"Help the Refugees in Macedonia:
NGOs - 1) LEGIS (nvo_legis@yahoo.com), deals with humanitarian relief, lobbying
             2) Leftist Solidarity Movement (ld.solidarnost@gmail.com), focus on pro-refugee campaigns, protests, marches of solidairty, lobbying
In solidarity beyond borders,


Contact: Face Book