Episode 112: James Harvey | How to Learn a New Language and Win in Life

Hey Life Athletes, welcome to episode 112 of the Life Athletics podcast!

Today’s guest Life Athlete is James Jai Harvey.

James is the author of a language book called Learning Indonesian by Association. This stemmed from his desire to be able to communicate with an Indonesian woman - it’s safe to safe that this project was borne out of passion and intention.


For the most part, Jai truly wanted to learn the Indonesian language so he took courses but they have proven to only work to a certain degree. Whenever he went on trips and traveled, he came back with more new words than when he completed a language course. This gave him the idea that learning via word association is more effective - and so he launched his book project.


"If you want it and it doesn't exist, go ahead and do it."


James believes in supporting and helping others to bring out the best in themselves.


"My well-being is way more important than having cash in the bank."



What does balance mean to you?

“No falling over.”


What do you do to get in the zone?



What do you do to recharge your batteries?

“Sing. Play music. Dance.”


What do you want to tell people to stop doing if they want to have success in their lives?



"Is there something that I feel like I wanna do? What do I need to enable me to do that?"




Learn Indonesian by association - Lingo Links: The easy playful way to learn a new language - Get the book on Amazon!

The End of Your World by Adyashanti

Falling into Grace by Adyashanti


Get Jai’s apps here:

Learn Indonesian Fast with Lingo Links (PRO) for iOS

Learn Indonesian Fast (PRO) for Android