Episode 114: Ryan Estrada | Artist-Adventurer on a Storytelling Mission

Hey Life Athletes, welcome to episode 114 of the Life Athletics podcast!

Today’s guest Life Athlete is Ryan Estrada.

Ryan Estrada is an artist-adventurer  who travels the world and collects experiences. He enjoys sharing his adventures in the form of his artwork on RyanEstrada.com. He operates by the "Not My Jam" challenge - what is it? Find out on this episode!

“Stories are my currency.”

Ryan currently lives in Busan, South Korea, and runs Big Data – an audio drama series about “stealing the Internet.”

"Everything I do gives me a new skill, a new story."

On this episode, Ryan tells us stories about the time he lived in Costa Rica (with monkeys messing up his Internet, literally); about sleeping on a park bench in Japan (during a typhoon!) while on a visa run; about climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and not being ready for said climb; about being caught in a cocoa war in South America – and a whole lot more!

"You can decide what it is in life that is success to you."


What does success mean to you?

"Success allows you to live the life you want."

What does balance mean to you?

"Balance means not having to worry about balance."

What do you do to recharge your batteries?

"I allow myself to be lazy when I need to be. I don't force myself to work on things I don't want to work on."

What do you want to tell people to stop doing if they want to have success in their lives?

"Stop being afraid of failure."

"Do something new. Go to a new place. Get a new experience."

Get in touch with Ryan and his work:



Twitter: @ryanestrada



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