Episode 72: Kyle Parsons - Indosole


Name: Kyle Parsons Hello and welcome to episode 72 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Kyle Parsons. Kyle is the founder of IndoSole, I spoke with his business partner Kai all the way back in episode 11.  Kyle talks about the inspiration and formation of the company as well as some of the personal loss that came from originally starting the company with a girlfriend. It’s an open and honest conversation that I enjoyed being a part of and I hope you enjoy listening to now!

Habit of Thought:

Always looking ahead to the next day.

Carry optimism and look to the next step.

Habit of Action:



Listen to peers, advisors, people on the way .

Greatest area of strength: My ability to connect with people. To level with people, to hear them out and to be flexible. Training for this area:


Be resourceful and pay attention to what’s around you.


The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference - Malcolm Gladwell Web Resource:


