Episode 12: Sara Andrews

Sara Andrews is the co founder and C.E.O. of Bumbleroot foods. Sara founded Bumbleroot to provide delicious, unique, and nutritious food products to consumers in the U.S. and to create income opportunities for the farmers and harvesters who supply the ingredients.

Habit of Thought:

-Think BIG. Don’t worry about the details and get back into the visioning mode.

-Gratitude. Remember how lucky you are!

Habit of Action:

Engage with life, magical things will happen.

Greatest area of strength: 

Moms take: A dreamer

Sara’s take: A vision of how to make things better and an ability to make it happen.

Training for this area:

Play. Engage with something and take on a new skill to get yourself out of your head.


Fire starter sessions –

the Desire Map

The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron

Web resource:




Instagram: @sarabumble

Twitter: @sarabumble