Episode 96: Kristin Ahmer - Focusing on Gratitude and the Original Squeeze Company


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 96 of the Life Athletics podcast. Today’s guest Life Athlete is Kristen Ahmer who is the founder of the Original Squeeze, a portable, reusable, spill-proof  container for kids and the Original Squeeze Sport for slightly larger kids. The story of how she created and grew her company while also starting her young family is an inspiration and she shares it now.  

Habit of Thought:

“I focus on gratitude. I’m a big believer in that.”

Habit of Action:

“I like waking up before 5:00 AM and having my me-time before my children, my husband, my dogs get up.”

Greatest Strength:

“I am inspiring person.”


The 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


 Web Resources:



Twitter: @OrigSqueezeCo

Instagram: @theoriginalsqueezecompany






Episode 95: Morgan McKay - Setting Goals and Making Them Happen


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 95 of the Life Athletics podcast. Today’s guest is Morgan McKay. Morgan is an adventure racer who has done over 70 adventure races including the Spartan Death Race and the World’s toughest Mudder. She has her eyes on winning the world’s toughest Mudder in 2016.  Morgan transformed herself from an average teen who did some modeling to a successful entrepreneur and athlete. Her journey is proof that an attitude and perspective shift can transform your life. I absolutely loved this chat!  

Habit of Thought and Habit of Action:

“Every morning I focus my energy on my vision board – what my goals are, what’s important. And I keep that at the back of my mind as I go through my day and choose those things that are going to help.”


10-Minute Toughness by Jason Selk


Web Resources:


Instagram: @worlds_toughest_morgan



Episode 94: Jonny Freesh - Keeping It "Freesh" with Rap and Hip-Hop


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 94 of the Life Athletics podcast. Today’s guest is Jonny Freesh. Jonny is a rapper who has recently made the leap and declaration that this is more than just a side passion project and that he IS in fact, a professional musician. Unlike the hiphopopotamus Freesh’s lyrics really ARE bottomless and he’s constantly pushing himself to expand as a writer, performer, business man and artistic director but in his words, all he does is Freesh.  

Habit of Thought:

"Unhook. If a story is running in my head and it's not benefitting me, I'll just say, 'Unhook!' And just drop it."

Habit of Action:

"In the morning, I set up my day into blocks to keep me focused in what I need to do."

Greatest strength:

"My unique perspective on how I live and what I see the world as."



The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday


Web Resources:





Twitter: @jonnyfreesh

Instagram: @jonnyfreesh


Evolution of the Rap Flow music video

Life Athletics Episode 62: Claudia Eslahpazir

Cause An Effekt podcast by Claudia Eslahpazir



Episode 93: Tiba Ganesh - Tiba Thoughts and YogaNeshan


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 93 of the Life Athletics podcast. Today’s guest is Tiba Ganesh. Tiba is a Yoga instructor currently teaching in Washington D.C.

Habit of Thought:

"Always see the silver lining in things, whatever situation and place you're in."

Habit of Action:

"Move forward and embody the ideals that I'm teaching instead of just preaching something that I'm not living."

Greatest strength:

"I am able to make people feel good and bring a positive atmosphere and good vibe."



A Fine Balance by Rohinston Mistry


Web Resources:




Instagram: @yoganeshan_ and @tibathoughts

Twitter: @yoganeshan_ and @tibathoughts


Episode 92: Lydia Lee - Screw the Cubicle and Live Free!


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 92 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Lydia Lee, the founder of Screw the Cubicle. Lydia is a business creator and lifestyle strategist who helps people break out of the corporate prison. We all want that, don’t we? Being a mentor, she helps people realize their potential and find their path to freedom! Lydia used to work for the corporate world, and although she was very successful in her field, she couldn’t help but ask herself, “Is this all there is?” She found herself in a spot where she was unhappy and she really didn’t see the purpose of what she was doing. And this is where she came up with the concept of Screw the Cubicle. Lydia has turned her life around for the better, and she wants you to do the same!

On this episode, Lydia shares about her journey and encourages you to screw the cubicle with her and enjoy the freedom you were meant to have!


Habit of Thought:

“Focus and attention – because these are what make things complete.”

Habit of Action:

“Internal language is key. I work on catching myself when I’m not parenting myself properly.”

“I always take out a piece of paper. I write out every other way that this could turn out a different way.”


Web Resources:


Screw the Cubicle podcast

Join the cubicle crashing revolution



Twitter: @screwthecubicle

Instagram: @screw_the_cubicle


Episode 91: Andrew Crichton - STANDapart and Decision-Making


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 91 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Andrew Crichton of standapart.co, creators of lightweight, portable laptop stands. Andrew considers himself as a corporate escapist and has long exited himself from the tedious life of living in the rat race. He believes in being firm in making decisions and pushing through with whatever you have set your heart to do.

Andrew was on the road to becoming a senior project manager, but he wilfully turned it down. While working in the corporate world was rewarding, he never felt fulfilled. He explains this sentiment, and I can’t help but resonate with his thoughts. It’s so refreshing to hear someone else say it out loud. You’ve got to hear his inspiring words on this episode!

For him, it’s all about making a decision and sticking with your decision. It may not work out the soonest you jump off the bandwagon, but eventually – if you work hard enough – it will.

Habit of Thought:

“Revisiting life goals and doing a rough sketch of what life will look like five years from now.”

Habit of Action:

“I have a to-do list that I check during my morning routine.”

Greatest area of strength:

“I’m very decisive.”


The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

Launch by Jeff Walker


Web Resources:

standapart.co – pre-order your lightweight, portable laptop stands here!

STANDapart official Facebook page

Twitter: @_STANDapart

Making It Anywhere blog

The Tropical MBA



Episode 90: Magdalena Lundkvist - Freedom and Wallpapers


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 90 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Magdalena Lundkvist. Magdalena is a designer and she currently owns a company that sells custom-made wallpapers for hotels and residences. She left Sweden and travelled the world while building her business. Like most Life Athletes, Magdalena strongly refuses being caged in a nine-to-job and be limited. She has so much potential, and she knows it! On this episode, she shares that even when she is a freedom-seeker, she still goes back and feels she needs to be in one spot for her children. Magdalena talks about how difficult it is to balance, being a single parent who has a passion for chasing liberty. Magdalena also provides us with tons of value as she lays out her story. Listen up!


Habit of Thought:

“To love to looking at my limiting beliefs.”


Habit of Action:

"I meditate."


Greatest area of strength:

“I’m courageous, a freedom person, driven, focused, and optimistic.”



Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement by Tony Robbins

Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey


Web Resources:




Instagram: @ magdalenalundkvist










Episode 89: Tom McLoughlin - Finding Your Joy and Being Happy


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 89 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Tom McLoughlin. Tom is a believer in finding your true joy and following that path toward happiness. A constant theme in his life is that he needs to have fun in everything he does, everywhere he goes. On this interview, he talks about owning your life without foregoing fun. He is devoted in creating a life of positivity and being authentic to your own self.  

Tom feels that the true meaning of success is being happy, and this is what he lives by. He owns his life, travels the world, and continues to inspire others to find their joy.


Habit of Thought:

“I need to have some fun.”

Greatest area of strength:



A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber




Episode 88: Matt and Cherie Chan - The Eternal Pursuit and Crossfit


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 88 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athletes are Matt and Cherie Chan of the Eternal Pursuit movement. They are world-class Crossfit enthusiasts that strive to make a world a better place by inspiring everyone to live and experience life the best way possible. Matt and Cherie have always strived to become the best at what they do and continue to move toward the direction of progress. They surround themselves with people with the same level of drive and passion and inspire those around them to take action. This couple has been all over the world and they urge everyone to focus more on the things that make life a more awesome experience, basically by just living it, and stop worrying about money, jobs, businesses, and all those other things that usually bind and tie us to one spot. It’s all about celebrating life for these two!  

Habit of Thought:

“Be willing to work at the things you aren’t good at.”


Web Resource:



Twitter: @t3pursuit



Episode 87: Helene Schmit - Street Luge and Finding Happiness


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 87 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Helene Schmit. Helene is a passionate and driven individual whose kindness, she says, is her greatest strength. She is a former street luge world champion and has been inspiring people with her motivation to become a better version of herself each time. On this episode, Helene tells me about the sport she is in love with and moves on to share about her life experiences that have taught her to become more “selfish,” in a positive way, learning to say no more often and practicing self-respect. Learn more about why she feels racing can bring out both the best and worst in people.

Helen Luge
Helen Luge

Habit of Thought:

“Practicing gratitude and forgiveness.”

Habit of Action:

“Speaking my truth.”

Greatest area of strength:

“My kindness.”


The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill by Matthieu Ricard

Web Resource:



Instagram: @heleneschmit

Episode 86: Ahni Radvanyi - Resonating Threads


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 86 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Ahni Radvanyi. Ahni is a free-spirited creative and acro yoga enthusiast who is passionate about doing the things she loves. She currently lives in Bali and is busy with her business called Resonating Threads, a company that produces adaptable—and artful—leather bags. She believes that purses can be an art form! I agree! On this interview, Ahni shares about her earlier experiences which led her to where she is today. We talk about life, optimism, focus, and relationships. What I love about Ahni is that she knows exactly what she wants and is willing to work hard to get the job done. There is so much value on this episode, you wouldn’t want to miss it! Ahni is such an inspiring and powerful lady, and I can’t wait to share our conversation with all of you!


Habit of Thought:

“I have a refresh button. I have to regrounded in order to continue what I’m doing.”

Habit of Action:

“I love getting up of bed close to when the sun is up and doing things before I get resistance. It is easier to continue than to start something anew.”

Greatest area of strength:

“I have a very buoyant sense of optimism – and I have laser focus.”


The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Reflections on the Art of Living by Joseph Campbell

Bossypants by Tina Fey


Web Resource:




Instagram: @ahniradvanyi

Resonating Threads on Facebook


Allan Watts Lectures

Nahko Bear

Saul Williams poetry

Sarah Kay poetry


Episode 85: Garrison Cohen - Self-love and Relationships


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 85 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Garrison Cohen. Garrison has always been fascinated by the way that people connect and interact. Especially when it comes to male - female relationship dynamics. He focuses on what it means for a man to be playfully and authentically in his masculine power and how that allows space and is attractive to powerful women. Garrison will soon be launching a podcast in which he interviews AMAZING women to gain even more insight into what they’re looking for in a partner.  

Habit of Thought:

“It’s my philosophy around dating and relationships. Run toward your highest excitement. If you find someone else doing those things, it’s likely there’s an alignment there. Introduce yourself.”

“Be kind to other people because everyone is in their own private battle that you know nothing of.”


Habit of Action:

“Having a morning ritual – reading, working out, stretching, yoga, meditation. The more I come into my body, the more my head actually clears, the more I think better.”


Greatest area of strength:

“I feel like I can see people really well. People say they feel ‘seen’ by me. Women feel like they can be themselves around me.”



The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

The Presence Process: A Journey into Present Moment Awareness by Michael Brown

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Web Resource:



Other episodes you might like:

Episode 58: Monty Hooke

Episode 9: Dr. Maral Yazarloo

Episode 6: Les Leventhal



Episode 84: Jazmine Howard - Unlocking Potential and Being Fearless


  Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 84 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Jazmine Howard. Currently based in Bali, Jazmine keeps herself busy by helping out a local business maximize its potential and improve the owner’s way of life. She’s been everywhere and worked as a visual manager for big brands such as Ikea, H&M, Ralph Lauren, among others – but she realized that she was never really cut for the nine to five. And so Jazmine packed her bags and, along with her daughter, left everything behind.

Jazmine is a firm believer in living authentically and following your biggest dreams. She’s been through tough times and wants us all to know that everything will unfold in its due time, so be patient and wait. It’s amazing how this artist, coach, and mother of two gets it all together! Fearless, passionate, and patient – that is Jazmine Howard!


Habit of Thought:

“I like to connect with people because I believe that behind each person lies a story.”

Habit of Action:

“When I feel like I’m forcing myself and it’s becoming a waste of time, I just snap out of it.”

Greatest area of strength:

“I am very patient, and I see potential in other people and things easily. They also say I’m a very kind person.”


How to Solve All Your Money Problems Forever by Victor Boc

Web Resource:

Jazmine Howard Facebook

Improve Ibu Dayu’s Way of Life campaign

Episode 83: Victoria Janashvili - Curves the Book and Self-Love


Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 83 of the Life Athletics Podcast. On this episode, I sit down with a Victoria Janashvili, a talented photographer and driven movement leader. Victoria made waves in the world of photography by spearheading a campaign that supports positive body image and self-love through her book called Curves the Book. She’s an inspiration to everyone around her and continues to improve by surrounding herself with positivity and love. Victoria believes that everyone is beautiful, and that we have to learn to love ourselves in order to truly achieve pure bliss and contentment. Beauty comes from within and in being confident in our own skin. She’s true to her movement and I loved every single minute of this podcast interview.


Habit of Thought:

“I am still exploring and changing my ways. I am in the process of self-exploration.”

Habit of Action:

“I meditate every morning and every evening. When I meditate, I see life a little more positively.”


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

Princely Advice for a Happy Life by Alexi Lubomirski

Web Resource:



Facebook: Victoria Janashvili Photography

Instagram: @victoriajanashviliphoto



Episode 82: Sofia Araujo - Spiral Growth and Yoga


Name: 82 Sofia Araujo  Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 82 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Sofia Araujo. Originally from Portugal, Sofia stepped out of her comfort zone to explore the world and find where her passion truly lies. She is now a yoga teacher and a macrobiotic chef/counselor. She is committed to serving her students wholeheartedly by providing them with lessons and advice to improve and enhance their health through yoga, meditation, and a healthy diet.

On this episode, Sofia talks about her journey through life – and what brought her to where she is now. She discusses about simplicity, stressing that it is actually one of the most difficult concepts to grasp. Learn more about Sofia and her Life Athletics story!


Habit of Thought:

Replace the feeling of loss with a feeling of learning. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about winning and learning.

Habit of Action:

I travel with a little kitchen set with my own healthy food to make sure that the energy flows throughout the rest of the day.

Greatest area of strength:

I’m very accommodating to different kinds of people, and I always try to find a way to communicate with everyone.


Bhagavad Gita

Web Resource:




Episode 81: Russell Maier - Ecobricks and Frisboo


Name: 81 Russell Maier Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 81 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Russell Maier. Russell travels the world and through the art of collaboration he works to transform problems into possibilities. From pollutions, to solutions, from grey to green. He lives in the moment to bring about a brighter tomorrow.

Habit of Thought:

I must integrate with the local people.

Habit of Action: Learn the language.

Greatest area of strength:

"I’m really good at orchestrating collaborations."

Training for this area:

“Let's make a mandala together"


The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart Toll

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Web Resource:






Episode 80: Tina Dahmen - Tina Travels


Name: 80 Tina Dahmen Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 80 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Tina Dahmen. Tina travels the world, working, studying, and helping others to do the same. She enjoys the hell out of life and focusses her being at doing just that. She traffics in stories and she wants to share yours on her site, here she shares some of hers.

Habit of Thought:

Live in a state of wonder.

“When I have a negative thought in my head... I’m able to punch this voice in the face and to kick it out of my head.”

Habit of Action: Always have a challenge.

Greatest area of strength: To make people happy and comfortable.

Training for this area:

Ask others to talk about themselves and to be positive.


The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich - Timothy Ferriss

The Art of Happiness - Dalai Lama 

Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist - Brian L. Weiss


www.takeatripwithtina.com www.worldstudytravels.com Twitter: @tiiinatravels Instagram: take_a_trip_with_tina Facebook: Take a trip with Tina


Episode 79 - Greg Smith: Guapo


Name: 79 Greg Smith Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 79 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Greg Smith. Greg Smith is an english professor living and working in South Korea. I first met him as the best Ultimate frisbee player in the league where I was introduced to the sport. Over the years I got to know a man who strived to be his best self in all things. On the field, yes, but also and especially off of it. Watching how he and his wife have been raising their children, actively using the Ultimate frisbee community, was and is an inspiration. Greg joined me as he walked his dog one night in the hills of Daejeon South Korea.

Habit of Thought:

I’m curious and always looking to learn.

If something doesn’t work I’ll change it.


Habit of Action: I like to cross things off of lists.

Greatest area of strength:

I’m good at simplifying concepts and communicating challenging content.

Training for this area:

Find a way to understand it yourself.


Jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins

Kurt Vonnegut 

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl 



Facebook : Greg Smith

twitter : @tesolsmith

Episode 78: Dr Hania Armengol ND - Ka Amaru


Name: 78 Dr. Hania Armengol ND Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 78 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Dr. Hania Armengol ND. She has been practicing Naturopathy for more than 26 years and she specializes in cases where the western medical profession has given up on the patient. She does truly astounding work and I’ve watched her career closely as she’s also my mother. This is episode 78, and as I was born in 1978 and we are recording on this on my birthday I can’t think of anyone I’d be more proud to present to you now.

Habit of Thought:

When I hurt somewhere I think “This too shall pass.”

Habit of Action: Yoga, Qi Gong, eating good food.

Greatest area of strength: I don’t take no for an answer.

Training for this area:

Find the limiting beliefs that you have and release them.


You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay



Episode 77: Andréa Paige - Live For Vitality


Name: 77 Andréa Paige Life Athletes, hello and welcome to episode 77 of the Life Athletics Podcast! Today’s guest Life Athlete is Andréa Paige.  Andréa  is a Bali-Based Naturopath, redefining health as living with maximum vitality. With depth, fire, unconditional presence and an unwavering commitment to life, Andréa takes life on with her whole self. From astrology, to nutrition, to living our maximum potential, this yoga teaching health-guru takes us for a wild ride!

Habit of Thought:


“Saying ‘yes’”.

“Anything is possible.”

“How can we make this work?”

“How can I help you?”

“How can I love you more?”

“Washing away the doubt.”

Habit of Action: Breathing into the centre of my chest. Into my heart.

Greatest area of strength: My purpose in this lifetime is my voice. I communicate clearly and logically.

Training for this area:

Remove yourself from yourself and see the bigger picture.


Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita - Ram Dass  Web Resource:



